Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fellowship around the campfire

Last night we all made s'mores over the campfire in our backyard with the DeMyers.  Mr. DeMyer taught all us kids some fun games - like whiplash :)  It isn't as bad as it sounds!  A bunch of people hold hands in a line and the front person (it has to be a strong person) pulls everyone else and makes sharp turns and tries to make it rough enough so that the last person looses his grip and lets go - then the next person, etc.  It was a lot of fun!!!

We usually don't eat junk food like s'mores - but once in a blue moon we do with friends :)

Sarah, Hannah and Abigail

Mrs. DeMyer and Suzie



From left to right - Sam, Mr. DeMyer, Mrs. DeMyer (sitting in the chair), Nick, Reuben and Sabrina





Caleb just realized that me and Sabrina were taking pictures of him :)
Caleb and Sam

Caleb, Sam and Nick

Nick smeared Caleb with his melty marshmallows - he even got some in his ear :)


Nick chasing Caleb

Nick and Caleb

Reuben teased Caleb about having marshmallow on his face

So they started wrestling :)

The sunset

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